The Soft Launch

Good Morning, Good People,

Thank you for taking the time to check out the new site. It's been a labor of love for the last two years, and I'm grateful it's finally here:

Think of it more as a collection of reflective stories with visual proof, not just a portfolio (though it serves that function, too). There's a lot on there, but the three things I'm most proud of are my recent partnership with the New York Public Library, my lecture at the School of Visual Arts, and the website's curation for the "In Conversation" section.

The site's foundation is complete, but I created it as a space to grow into. It's a playground where I can share my professional projects, collaborations, adventures, and creative experiments in a long form.

If you're viewing this on your phone, check out the site on your computer for the whole experience. If you're looking at this from your desktop, see how it feels on your phone—similar experiences, but more streamlined.

This is a soft launch, and you're part of a small community of folks whose minds I greatly love and respect. While I'm not looking for critiques, if you have thoughts, definitely share them. But if you see a misspelled word, bug, or something that needs to be corrected, please let me know. Otherwise, it is what it is.

Thank you for your time and support all these years. I sincerely cherish our relationship.

Oh, one last thing! For the last year or so, I've been writing fun fiction under the pen name Zooberdashery. I've written about 60 fictional creatives—short stories inspired by the stylish animal art I created using artificial intelligence.

